Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process for helping children and adults develop fundamental skills for life effectiveness. SEL teaches the skills we all need to handle ourselves, our relationships, and our work effectively and ethically. These skills include recognizing and managing our emotions, developing caring and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations constructively and ethically.

SEL Competencies

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationships Skills
  • Responsible Decision Making

Odom Elementary is a No Place for Hate campus. No Place for Hate is a nationally recognized ADL program which incorporates anti-bias education into the campus experience and culture. The goal is to create more harmonious communities by combating bias and increasing an appreciation for the richness that diversity brings.

Resolution of Respect - Students will sign the Resolution of Respect which will be posted around our campus. The resolution states: I promise to do my best to treat everyone fairly. I promise to do my best to be kind to everyone - even if they are not like me. If I see someone being hurt or bullied I will report it to an adult. Everyone should be able to feel safe and happy at school. I want our school to be No Place for Hate.